Results for 'I. H. Demarest'

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  1.  28
    The effect of verbal suggestion in the recall period upon the reproduction of visually perceived forms.N. G. Hanawalt & I. H. Demarest - 1939 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 25 (2):159.
  2. Powerful Properties, Powerless Laws.Heather Demarest - 2017 - In Jonathan D. Jacobs, Causal Powers. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. pp. 38-53.
    I argue that the best scientific package is anti-Humean in its ontology, but Humean in its laws. This is because potencies and the best system account of laws complement each other surprisingly well. If there are potencies, then the BSA is the most plausible account of the laws of nature. Conversely, if the BSA is the correct theory of laws, then formulating the laws in terms of potencies rather than categorical properties avoids three serious objections: the mismatch objection, the impoverished (...)
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    The Universe Had One Chance.Heather Demarest - 2016 - Philosophy of Science 83 (2):248-264.
    In a deterministically evolving world, the usefulness of nontrivial probabilities can seem mysterious. I use the ‘Mentaculus’ machinery developed by David Albert and Barry Loewer to show how all probabilities in such a world can be derived from a single, initial chance event. I go on to argue that this is the only genuine chance event. Perhaps surprisingly, we have good evidence of its existence and nature. I argue that the existence of this chance event justifies our epistemic reliance on (...)
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    Mentaculus Laws and Metaphysics.Heather Demarest - 2019 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 23 (3):387--399.
    The laws of nature are central to our understanding of the world. And while there is often broad agreement about the technical formulations of the laws, there can be sharp disagreement about the metaphysical nature of the laws. For instance, the Newtonian laws of nature can be stated and analyzed by appealing to a set of possible worlds. Yet, some philosophers argue the worlds are mere notational devices, while others take them to be robust, concrete entities in their own right. (...)
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  5. Fission May Kill You.Heather Demarest - 2015 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 93 (3):565-582.
    If a person, A, branches into B and C, then it is widely held that B and C are not identical to one another. Many think that this is because B and C have contradictory properties at the same time. In this paper, I show why this explanation cannot be right. I argue that contradictory properties at times are not necessary for non-identity between descendants, and that contradictory properties at times are not sufficient for non-identity. I also argue that the (...)
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  6. Fundamental Properties and the Laws of Nature.Heather Demarest - 2015 - Philosophy Compass 10 (5):334-344.
    Fundamental properties and the laws of nature go hand in hand: mass and gravitation, charge and electromagnetism, spin and quantum mechanics. So, it is unsurprising that one's account of fundamental properties affects one's view of the laws of nature and vice versa. In this essay, I will survey a variety of recent attempts to provide a joint account of the fundamental properties and the laws of nature. Many of these accounts are new and unexplored. Some of them posit surprising entities, (...)
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  7. Do Counterfactuals Ground the Laws of Nature? A Critique of Lange.Heather Demarest - 2012 - Philosophy of Science 79 (3):333-344.
    Most philosophers of science hold that the laws of nature play an important role in determining which counterfactuals are true. Marc Lange reverses this dependence, arguing that it is the truth of certain counterfactuals that determines which statements are laws. I argue that the context sensitivity of counterfactual sentences makes it impossible for them to determine the laws. Next, I argue that Lange’s view cannot avoid additional counterexamples concerning nested counterfactuals. Finally, I argue that Lange’s counterfacts, posited as the ultimate (...)
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  8.  41
    Justin E. H. Smith, Divine Machines: Leibniz and the Sciences of Life.Boris Demarest - 2015 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 4 (1):128-132.
  9.  27
    Soul, Archeus, and Nature in van Helmont’s Medical Naturalism.Boris Demarest - 2021 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 11 (2):564-584.
    Jan Baptist van Helmont’s development of the Paracelsian theory of the Archeus is often considered uncomfortably close to the animist theory that the specificity of organic bodies is largely due to the soul. In this paper, I argue that the historical assimilation of these two positions is mistaken. I show that van Helmont introduced his theory of the Archeus on the grounds that it guaranteed that natural processes are properly natural, and that his theory was driven by a specific conception (...)
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  10. Induction and certainty in the physics of Wolff and Crusius.Hein van den Berg & Boris Demarest - 2024 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 32 (5):1052-1073.
    In this paper, we analyse conceptions of induction and certainty in Wolff and Crusius, highlighting their competing conceptions of physics. We discuss (i) the perspective of Wolff, who assigned induction an important role in physics, but argued that physics should be an axiomatic science containing certain statements, and (ii) the perspective of Crusius, who adopted parts of the ideal of axiomatic physics but criticized the scope of Wolff’s ideal of certain science. Against interpretations that take Wolff’s proofs in physics to (...)
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    Asrār-i ḥikmat: Ḥakīm Abū ʻAlī Sīnā īlah qārdāşīʹnīn ḥikāyahʹlarī - Türkcah: qarn-i 10 Hijrī Qamarī - dawrah-i ʻUs̲mānī.Ḥasan Madḥī - 2017 - Ardabīl: Yāylīq. Edited by Dunyavī Mughānlū & Saʻd Ilāh.
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    Umūr-i intiẓāmī dar niẓām-i ḥasabah-i Islāmī.Ḥasan Riz̤ā Rafīʻī - 2001 - Tihrān: Dānishgāh-i ʻUlūm-i Intiẓāmī.
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  13. Death, dying and donation: organ transplantation and the diagnosis of death.I. H. Kerridge - 2002 - Journal of Medical Ethics 28 (2):89.
    Refusal of organ donation is common, and becoming more frequent. In Australia refusal by families occurred in 56% of cases in 1995 in New South Wales, and had risen to 82% in 1999, becoming the most important determinant of the country's very low organ donation rate .Leading causes of refusal, identified in many studies, include the lack of understanding by families of brain death and its implications, and subsequent reluctance to relegate the body to purely instrumental status. It is an (...)
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  14. Sefer Shevile Yiśraʼel: kolel pirḳe hasbarah ṿe-hashḳafah be-mabaṭ nakhon li-Yehudi Yiśreʼeli be-ḥayaṿ..Ḥanan Leṿi - 1998 - Rekhasim: Ḥ. Leṿi.
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  15. Rasāʼil Jābir ibn Ḥayyān al-Kūfī al-falsafīyah al-muḥaqqaqah, 200 H/815 M.Ḥasan Karīm Mājid Rubayʻī - 2024 - Bayrūt: al-ʻĀrif lil-Maṭbūʻāt.
  16. The legislation of active voluntary euthanasia in Australia: will the slippery slope prove fatal?I. H. Kerridge & K. R. Mitchell - 1996 - Journal of Medical Ethics 22 (5):273-278.
    At 2.00 am on the morning of May 24, 1995 the Northern Territory Legislative Assembly Australia passed the Rights of the Terminally Ill Act by the narrow margin of 15 votes to 10. The act permits a terminally ill patient of sound mind and over the age of 18 years, and who is either in pain or suffering, or distress, to request a medical practitioner to assist the patient to terminate his or her life. Thus, Australia can lay claim to (...)
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    Imtiḥān-i ʻāmil-i takāmul.Ḥusayn Shafāʼī - 2002 - Qum: Intishārāt-i Salsāl.
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  18. Socrates' refutation of Thrasymachus.I. H. Jang - 1997 - History of Political Thought 18 (2):189-206.
  19. Bertrand Russell's theory of numbers, 1896–1898.I. H. Anellis - 1987 - Epistemologia 10 (2):303-322.
  20. Prequel to the Heidegger debate-Audry and Sartre.I. H. Birchall - 1998 - Radical Philosophy 88:19-27.
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  21. Civilization of Chaos? A Study of the Present World Crisis in the Light of Eastern Metaphysics.I. H. CONYBEARE - 1955
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    La Tradition apostolique et ses dérivés dans fes prières eucharistiques éthiopiennes.I. H. Dalmais - 1980 - Augustinianum 20 (1-2):109-117.
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  23. Casimir force between two Aharonov-Bohm solenoids.I. H. Duru - 1993 - Foundations of Physics 23 (5):809-818.
    The vacuum structure for the massive charged scalar field in the region of two parallel, infinitely long and thin solenoids confining the fluxesn 1 andn 2 is studied. By using the Green function method, it is found that the vacuum expectation value of the system's energy has a finite mutual interaction term depending on the distance a between the solenoids, which implies an attractive force per unit length given by F n1n2 =−(ℏc/π2)(n 1 n 2)2/a 3.
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    Introduction to risk calculation in genetic counselling.I. H. Ellis - 1993 - Journal of Medical Ethics 19 (1):56-57.
  25.  29
    Reaction time measures of feature saliency in a perceptual integration task.I. H. Fraser & D. M. Parker - 1986 - In H. Ellis, M. Jeeves, F. Newcombe & Andrew W. Young, Aspects of Face Processing. Martinus Nijhoff. pp. 45--52.
  26.  11
    Everything.I. H. Grant - 2015 - The Monist 98 (2):156-167.
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    Fragmenta Herculanensia.I. H. H. & Walter Scott - 1886 - American Journal of Philology 7 (1):91.
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    Reale Accademia dei Lincei.I. H. H. & Arthur L. Frothingham - 1883 - American Journal of Philology 4 (2):222.
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  29.  42
    Effects of Music Upon Electrocardiograms and Blood Pressure.I. H. Hyde - 1924 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 7 (3):213.
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    Notes.H. A. I. - 1986 - Philosophia Mathematica (1-2):26-32.
  31.  19
    Atomistic studies of ⟨101] screw dislocation core structures and glide in γ-TiAl.I. H. Katzarov & A. T. Paxton - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (21):1731-1750.
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    Variations in the management of cancer in the NHS: a legitimate cause for concern?I. H. Kunkler - 1997 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 3 (3):173-177.
  33.  11
    Pausanias.I. H. C. Schubart - 1847 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 2 (2):354-357.
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    X. Zum Sprachgebrauch des Pausanias.I. H. C. Schubart & M. Haupt - 1847 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 2 (2):273-279.
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  35. Tractability of multivariate integration for weighted Korobov classes, to appear in J.I. H. Sloan & H. Wozniakowski - forthcoming - Complexity.
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    A glimpse of the obvious.I. H. Sutherland - 1932 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 10 (1):54 – 57.
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    Excess entropies and volumes of mixing for liquid alloys.I. H. Umar, M. Watabe & W. H. Young - 1974 - Philosophical Magazine 30 (4):957-961.
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    Entropies of mixing of liquid metals A hard-sphere description.I. H. Umar, I. Yokoyama & W. H. Young - 1976 - Philosophical Magazine 34 (4):535-548.
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    Maṣābīḥ al-qulūb: sharḥ-i Fārsī-i panjāh va sih ḥadīs̲-i akhlāqī az Payāmbar-i Akram.Shīʻī Sabzvārī & Ḥasan ibn Ḥusayn - 1996 - Tihrān: Daftar-i Mīr̄ās̲-i Maktūb. Edited by Muḥammad Sipihrī.
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    Zawāhir al-ḥikam: "bakhsh-i ilāhīyāt".Ḥusayn Vāʻiẓī - 2012 - Tihrān: Muʼassasah-i Pizhūhishī-i Ḥikmat va Falsafah-i Īrān. Edited by Ḥasan ibn ʻAbd al-Razzāq Lāhījī.
    Criticism and interpretation of Zawāhir al-ḥikam by Ḥasan ibn ʻAbd al-Razzāq Lāhījī, 1635 or 1636-1709 or 1710; Islamic philosophy - Early works to 1800; Shīʻah - Doctrines - Early works to 1800.
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  41. Sefer Maḥshevet ha-ḥinukh: asupat pirḳe musar u-maḥshavah, midot ṿe-deʻot, le-lamed bene adam daʻat u-tevunah be-hanhagato ben adam la-Maḳom u-ven adam la-ḥavero: mi-torat Sefer ha-Ḥinukh. Aaron & Ḥayim Ayziḳ Ṭiḳotsḳi (eds.) - 1994 - Yerushalayim: Makhon le-hotsaʼat sefarim she-ʻa. y. Yeshivat ha-Ran.
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  42. al-Mafāhīm al-akhlāqīah al-Qurʼānīyah wa-taṭwīr al-dars al-tafsīrī al-muʻāṣir: al-iṣlāḥ al-ijtimāʻī unmūdhajan.Ḥamzah ibn Maḥmūd ibn ʻĪsá ibn Aḥmad Buḥayṣī - 2024 - al-Quds: Dār al-Jundī lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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    Buḥūth wa-maqālāt fī al-fikr wa-al-ḥayāh.Ḥasan Maḥmūd Shāfiʻī - 2021 - al-Qāhirah: Markaz Iḥyāʼ lil-Buḥūth wa-al-Dirāsāt.
  44. Yalḳuṭ meshalim mi-perozdor li-ṭeraḳlin: pirḳe emunah u-maḥshavah, meyusadim ʻal divre ḥakhamenu, zal...Ḥayim Ayziḳ Ṭiḳotsḳi (ed.) - 1992 - Yerushalayim: Le-haśig, Ḥ. Ṭiḳotsḳi.
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    Medical futility, treatment withdrawal and the persistent vegetative state.K. R. Mitchell, I. H. Kerridge & T. J. Lovat - 1993 - Journal of Medical Ethics 19 (2):71-76.
    Why do we persist in the relentless pursuit of artificial nourishment and other treatments to maintain a permanently unconscious existence? In facing the future, if not the present world-wide reality of a huge number of persistent vegetative state (PVS) patients, will they be treated because of our ethical commitment to their humanity, or because of an ethical paralysis in the face of biotechnical progress? The PVS patient is cut off from the normal patterns of human connection and communication, with a (...)
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  46.  8
    art's The Psychology of Insanity. [REVIEW]I. H. Coriat - 1914 - Journal of Philosophy 11 (4):110.
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    The Psychology of Insanity. [REVIEW]I. H. Coriat - 1914 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 11 (4):110-111.
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  48.  17
    Bar farāz-i ʻaql va ʻishq: Imām Muḥammad Ghazzālī va Shaykh Aḥmad Ghazzālī.Ḥashmat Allāh Riyāz̤ī - 2014 - Tihrān: Nashr-i ʻIlm. Edited by Ghazzālī & Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad Ghazzālī.
    Ghazzālī, 1058-1111; Kīmiyā-yi saʻādat -Criticism and interpretation ; Ghazzālī, Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad, -1126; Savāniḥ -Criticism and interpretation ; Ghazzālī, Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad, -1126; Baḥr al-muḥabbat fī asrār al-muvaddat fītafsīr Sūrah-i Yūsuf -Criticism.
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    Dar maḥz̤ar-i ustād.Ḥasan Abṭaḥī - 2003 - Tihrān: Nashr-i Baṭḥāʼ.
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    al-Tayyār al-mashāʼī fī al-falsafah al-Islāmīyah.Ḥasan Maḥmūd Shāfiʻī - 2014 - al-Qāhirah: Dār al-Baṣāʼir.
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